Tickets for All Public Running Events Are Available 1 Month Prior to All Events
Tickets for All Public Running Events Are Available 1 Month Prior to All Events
The two biggest factors which prevent easy access into our hobby are the time required to construct, test and prove the models and; of course, the associated costs.
In order to make our club more accessible for new model engineers and to attract new members, we are planning to build a new ground level 32mm Garden Railway within the grounds.
The main advantages of this scale are that it is significantly cheaper than the larger gauges and also; kits are available.
This will really help as many younger members do not have the necessary machinery or skills to build larger models.
With the above in mind, we set out to design our new railway. We want the drivers to have to drive the track rather than set the locos off and watch them run and so we came up with the track plan for Phase 1 is shown in the adjacent image >
Phase 1 Track Layout
The plan is to build the railway in a couple of stages to get it operational as quickly as is reasonably possible (bearing in mind we are a group of volunteers).
We have opted to put the new layout at the clubhouse end of the main grassed area - running adjacent to the existing raised track, with the facility to extend the railway in the future if it proves successful.
The track-bed construction itself is shown in the image adjacent - partly on embankments spanned by bridges cast in concrete joined with aluminium sections.
We have been very fortunate as to have had a significant donation which has allowed us to start the work toward achieving this new layout.
Raised Embankment Construction
As you can see from the drone picture the ground has now been cut and the work to raise the track from the ground has already started.
But to see this project through to completion, more funds are needed and so we appeal to you to make a donation to help us fund this new venture.
You can do this by joining us as a member to get involved, alternatively if this is not possible you can still help us by clicking the Donate Button below.
Drone Shot of the Initial Groundwork
Your support and contributions will help enable us to realise this project. Your generous donation is truly appreciated.