Tickets for All Public Running Events Are Available 1 Month Prior to All Events
Tickets for All Public Running Events Are Available 1 Month Prior to All Events
Before Brighouse & Halifax Model Engineers formed, a group of like minded men had started to meet up in various places, but primarily the Brighouse Co-op Café and the home of the founder member Mr. Douglas Miller from 1932.
By 1934 sufficient interest existed that a society was formed, primarily driven by Mr Miller who drove the society forward, holding meetings at his works on occasion.
The group attended various exhibitions held in those early years at the Halifax and Huddersfield Drill Halls. Several members entered models and some we believe were awarded prizes. Having no permanent H.Q. at this time it would have been difficult to model large Locomotives so these were smaller gauge engines.
When the war came in 1939 most of the members would be drafted into the services. Mr. Miller was in the Navy and was based in Scapa Flow. In fact he was able to use his own boat, a motor yacht, during this period. The activities of the Society were severely restricted as the war effort took all the essential materials. However when hostilities were over, the society was resumed.
In 1948 Mr. Miller asked the members if they would like to join him in the construction of a miniature railway. He had a piece of land that was suitable and the members willingly accepted his offer.
Work commenced in earnest on building tracks. The first one was an elevated track for 3½" and 5" locos. This was made by building concrete pillars cast in place. We cast two on Saturday and two on Sunday so as you can see this took a long time.
The track longitudinals were ex railway sleepers cut to length with a hand saw! Any miss shapes or adjustments were cut with great skill, using an Adze by Douglas. It was great to watch. The rails were of aluminium and lasted for over forty years. The track running length at that time was six hundred feet.
The next job was to lay the 7¼" ground level track. This was laid outside the elevated track and was about six hundred and forty feet in length, again aluminium was used. Locomotives started to appear, mostly 3½" gauge. These at the time were considered to be quite large.
Douglas was busy building a 7¼" Duchess to be named “Duchess of Brighouse”. To raise funds for these projects a portable track was made and used at local Galas and other outside events. We still use a portable track to this day to raise money for the society.
It was not until the grounds were considered safe that public open days were started. The admission charge at the time was 3d old money and 3d per ride. There was considerable interest in model boats at this time, so it was agreed to build a boating pond. This was a great success at the time as all the local children could sail their boats on open days.
Finally the great day arrived to officially open the pond. Douglas made a ramp to launch his large boat down and, as a crowd formed around the pond and the boat was launched by the Mayor amid great cheering: The resulting tidal wave unfortunately soaked anyone who was on the opposite side to the boat!
The Society has prospered over the years but the pond had to go. It developed a severe leak which would have been very expensive to repair. Also the boating members were by this time into radio control and required a much larger stretch of water. The membership fell as a result of the ponds demise, from around 120 to 80.
The elevated track has been lelaid three or four times over the years. In the last build we used reclaimed plastic for the longitudinal spars and sleepers and hope that these will last a long time. The steaming up area for the raised track had a brand new canopy fitted in the early 2020's.
The ground level track has been extended over the years and is now over one thousand feet long including a dedicated tunnel, a station concourse with two platforms under cover and a passing loop, a second (balloon) loop over a bridge along with associated loco and carriage storage facilities.
The freehold was purchased in 1966 on the death of the founder and President, so we are among the few societies in the country who have the luxury and security of owning the land, even so we of course need to generate some income to maintain the facility we have.
We are now in our ninetieth year and the grounds are much more developed than in 1948 when we started our journey, but the vision remains the same - to share the joy's (and disappointments) of model locomotives and other engineering projects with like minded members.
We also enjoy sharing our facility with the public, and in doing so, hope to inspire future generations of model engineers.
Do I need to be an engineer?
No – a significant proportion of our members have no formal engineering background, for example we have school children, firefighters, painter and decorators and a few engineers of various types.
If I do own a locomotive when can I use the track?
Provided a steam locomotive has current hydraulic and steam tests then members are free to use the track at any time except whilst public are present. When public are present members must have passed their driving test before they are allowed to drive.
Will someone help me build a locomotive?
Yes – Our members have a vast pool of knowledge which they are keen to share. This ability to tap into our collective knowledge is really the main reason to join BHME. The club now owns 2 'Diesel' locomotives and it may be possible to learn to drive on one or other of these locos.
Do I have to work on club days?
We do always need help as Ravensprings Park is maintained and operated on a voluntary basis.
Assistance on Public Running Days, Birthday Parties or Portable Track events is needed. Here you can build friendships with other members, learn the various roles under different conditions and eventually take on those roles after passing the requisite tests. We can find a suitable role for you within the organisation to get the most from your membership.
If you are able to help more regularly with project work, we meet every Wednesday and Sunday from 1030 to have a good natter and maintain Ravensprings Park. Often when the weather is fair (and sometimes when it is not) locomotives make the track and we enjoy ourselves!
Can I learn to Drive a Steam Train?
Yes - Although the club does not own any locomotives so it would depend on someone being willing to let you have a go with their own pride and joy.
What if I just want to help run the railway?
Fantastic! You will be very welcome!! You can be involved in all the jobs going from track laying, signal man, guard, porter, station master, signal and telegraph, catering, gardening etc
What do I do Next?
In the first instance please contact us via the Contact Us Page and then we can discuss visiting Ravensprings Park on a Wednesday or Sunday so that you can have a chat and a good look around.
If you like what you see you can complete the application form and return on your next visit.
Please note all our members are required to undertake a DBS check, the club does not see the check and is only informed if an issue with child protection comes to light.
Complete the Application Form Below and Return it to
Membership Fees and Bank Details are on the form - PLEASE DO NOT SEND US CASH BY POST!